Wednesday, 19 October 2011

The yoga dream

M is working her buns off at a school in Austin.  She hasn't given up the yoga teacher dream, she's merely postponed it while trying to support S.  S is working on the yoga dream.  He is working as a yoga teacher, but it doesn't always make the 'big-bucks', especially when you're the new kid on the block.  Thankfully M is there.  Slowly it's working out for S, but patience is key.  
2 Studios have shown interest in S:

Be Yoga ( has picked S up for the time being while two teachers are out - one on her honeymoon in Hawaii (congrats to L) and the other is having knee surgery.   Yoga can be hard on the knees, as we all know.  So flex your foot and check out alignment within the hip-knee-ankle-2nd toe (our wonderful yoga teachers E and R taught us well).

A second studio opening in December, Barre 3, has seen promise in S and is sending him on training in Portland for the first weekend in November.  S is stoked about the possibilities.  The studios roots are in Yoga, but with a Pilates twist.  M wasn't a fan of the first class she took with them.  S however loved the idea.  It really clicked with his passion for alignment and his personal training background.

So, S is busy trying out his yoga career, M is teaching.  And things are OK for now.  At times both S and M dig into the negative side flooded with questions:
Will these kids ever stop driving me crazy?
How can we get out names out into the Austin yoga community?
Will we make enough money?

But its ok.  Some negativity is good.  It just makes you realize how much better life is being positive, because:
M's class is calming down.
We have patience.
and because
We will survive...yada yada yada yada yada something something Alive - my best attempt at singing and blogging!

Stay grounded,
S & M

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