Sunday, 11 March 2012

Walk the walk and talk the talk

Yogis! It's been too long!

As most of you might know, S and M have been in a car accident. We were walking across Airport Blvd, while going to Central Market. M saw on Dr. Oz that Pitta's (ayurvedic) have inflammation issues. S has just had gum surgery so Dr. Oz suggested some aloe juice. So as we were walking to Central Market, a little old man from New Jersey hit both S and M. S, managed to bounce right back, try to stop the car, and check on M, who was laying on the patch of grass between the sidewalk and street. As M was on the grassy oasis, she scanned her body and ended up at her knee, and knew she couldn't walk. The little old man gave us a ride to the hospital.

Cutting it short, M had surgery this Monday on her knee, having broken her left tibial plateau and severing her tibial lateral meniscus. S has been going to physio and seems to slowly getting back on track.

So the point of this blog is to really get your yoga off of your sticky mat, even out of your studio! Both S and M have felt the love of colleagues, old friends, new friends, yogis, non-yogis. We are both so grateful for all the prayers, love, good intentions, and great vibes.

However, there have been some yogis that have truly surprised us. They are great friends, teachers, yogis who talk the talk about compassion, grace, kindness not only to yourself, but toward others. Yet, when it comes to having compassion, grace and kindness toward a friend, perhaps time eludes them. As S and M were discussing this principle on Saturday morning, we find the type of person who doesn't practice what he/she preaches in every sub-culture!

So, this is to extend a big hug and kiss to thank those of you who have dropped by with or without food, have called, have emailed, have facebooked, have prayed, our hearts and spirits are swelled with the love that we have received. For those that let time, or a busy daily life, distract them from the yogic principles, stop and re-evaluate yourself- not for our sake, we will heal, but for your spirit.

As S and M are on the receiving end of all this love, we cannot wait to give some love to any one who is in need. So if there ever comes a time where we are so consumed with our personal daily life that we have not had time to stop and listen, call us on it! We will be happy to give some love back, as we hope we have done in previous times.

Stay Grounded,

S & M.
(M will upload pics later...)

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