Wednesday, 13 July 2011


M with the unisex pants
First day of Module II and there are 3 new people joining us. They did Module I way back either in October or February, and are now doing Module II and III.

In the morning we started with Patanjali Yoga Sutras. Chapter 2, verse 1. It talked about the Tapas (enduring intensity for the sake of transformation) and the Svadhyaya (Self-reflection). Then we went into some reflection time and answered these 2 questions, we're putting it out there so you can answer for yourself:
How do boundaries serve you in your everyday life?
How does expansion serve you in your everyday life?

Our practice was finally HANDSTANDS (Adho Mukha Vrksasana)! They were wickedly fun, and our peak pose was Pincha Mayurasana [pinch-a-my-your-ass-ana] (forearm stand- much harder than handstand).  Right afterwards we went into Savasana- kind of wild! It's like going on a wickedly awesome roller coaster and as soon as you get off, lay on the lawn!

Lunch on the lawn with the yogis. Although some yogis have been going to Starbucks lately. We're on a spending limit, so it kind of hinders our budget to go to Starbucks so cheese sandwich is for us, and sometimes we go all out with rice and beans!

After lunch we learned all about inversions- anything when your head is below your heart. We talked about risks and contraindications (people who shouldn't do it). Pregnant women, if it's not their usual practice, and menstruating women apparently should also not do it. A funny yogi, E, talked about a girls period with the word "mensies" and also "pubic cleanse". We were all in stitched. M hopes he doesn't say that in class- it's too funny yet uncomfortable. The final verdict was if a girl is on her mensies, and feeling comfortable to go up into inversions, do it! If not, don't do it.

We did some teaching practice of Surya A, Surya B, crescent, handstand, and forearm stand. We did good!

On the way home, we stopped to buy some bread, and fruit for lunches. We also talked about starting all over again in a new city. We're scared our families won't visit us, since our families, with some exceptions, didn't visit us in London. But, at the end of the day, we trust that the Universe knows what it's doing with us, and we rest in it's abundant Knowledge.

Our video is of the handstand (Adho Mukha Vrksasana) workshop we did in class today. It's hard to see M's feet, but when S told her to lift her feet, she lifted one foot at a time. Warning: Don't do this without a buddy. If you need any of us, we'll either see you soon enough or go give you personal classes because we love you so much that we don't want you to get hurt.

Stay grounded,

S and M


  1. Starting in a new city can feel scary. But don't forget you've got family here (Crystal and I)!

    Family visits may be a rare treat, but they do happen occasionally. A flight across Canada isn't as daunting as a trip across the pond for some reason.

  2. I loved watching the video. You need to put more of these on the blog!

  3. Thanks C&R! You have no idea how great it has been to re-connect with you guys!
    Amber- New video on post 13!
