Welcome to the weekend! and to our raunchiest blog yet...
We started off with anatomy of the core - think of abs and include diaphragm and pelvic floor. Rewinding to Friday's edition of anatomy, we all stuck our hands down our pants to feel our sacrum, coccyx and our vestigial tail- yes we have a tail. Forward to Saturday's edition, we had another session of self palpation. Our pelvic floor is like a hammock of muscles that holds prevents our organs from falling out of us, and it has 3 orifices (holes); anal, vaginal (for women) and urinary. We talked about Mula Bandha- what do you think of when you hear that? Lock, Root Lock, Donkey? All of the above (donkey was S's answer). The Mula Bandha is an energetic seal within our pelvic floor used to harness the innate energy in our body. Down to the practical part, we all got comfortable on the floor, turned off the lights and started to feel our pelvic floor. Rachel instructed us to isolate and contract our anal muscles (this is all very subtle), after that we were instructed to contract our vaginal muscles, and breathe through our vagina. It got a bit sticky because there are 8 guys in a class full of girls, and they don't have a vagina. So she said "boys, just play down there", someone else added, "bring your junkey into you, your taint".
The last one was to try to stop the flow of urine- all encompassing!
So if you come to one of our classes, and either S or M instruct you to stuff your balls into your belly, or breathe through your vagina- now you know we want you to engage your pelvic floor and harness the energy!
We did a really good practice, where not surprisingly, we engaged our energetic seals. It felt really cool after Kapalbhati breathing through your nostrils (only exhaling through your nose), we exhaled completely, inhaled, held our breathe in, and lowered our chin to make a throat lock. All of the energy was harnessed in the middle of our body- around diaphragm area. To M it felt like she had a huge ball of energy that she could Dragonball Z across the room.
S was paired up with a cute girl, F, during our practice. During savasana, M usually falls asleep, and it's S responsibility to wake her up. F took a long time to get up from savasana, so S kinda nudged her to get her up, to which she said she was just taking her time. We're sure F is never going to practice next to S again because he disturbed her savasana!
We ended yoga school at 1pm and went to a bbq in White Rock (South Surrey). We met the funniest pothead that told us he didn't like Toronto because the first time in the city he went to the Keg and they didn't have steak, the second time he went to Swiss Chalet, and they had no chicken. He hates the water, and even the soda pop tastes like the gross water, it's like Kandahar he said. He almost fell over as we were leaving and S had to put his hand on his shoulder and kind of hold him up. He also sleeps on the top of his truck, where he built a platform with plywood and covered with astroturf. We love Vancouver!
Our yoga homework:
Anatomy Colouring Book p.51
Read Yoga Sutras 22-41
Write a teaching script for paravritta trikonasana from tadasana
And bring earplugs for Monday??????
Today our mission is to study, do some groceries and maybe a field trip to the Lululemon lab.
Stay grounded,
S and M
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