Friday, 22 July 2011


Hi all.  Today we had a tough morning getting up.  Almost 3 hours of practice yesterday made us a little weary.

The walk was chilly and we decided to share a coffee from Tim Horton's when we arrived at the studio.  Its a few stores over.  Oh and M found her water bottle that she left in the sun room yesterday.  She was delighted.

Today we started module three in class.  We went over cool down poses.  These are usually seating poses that counter act the peak pose (or the super adventure pose - that was for E) that you work up to in your sequence.  We also talked about class timing and the need to have Savasana (corpse pose - lying flat on your back) for at least 5 minutes at the end of class.  Today, we felt like we needed full day Savasana.  But no luck.

Practice was more of a workshop today, AND a photo shoot!  H from head office was in to document our fabulous poses for promotions.  M was in the front row and H was in her face at all times.  H also concentrated on Little D.  S chose the middle row and didn't get the same 1:1 attention.  But he's cool with that, after all its a female dominated practice.  M held a fabulous bird of paradise until E came over and distracted her.  Jeeze, teachers!  The practice was also a cry-fest.  We did hip and shoulder openers using bound poses and tears were abundant.  C who was next to S broke down completely after shoulder-stand.  She didn't know why she was crying, nor how to stop!  It happens to us all at one point or another.
Bird of Paradise from behind
The afternoon led us into asana lab for seated postures - lots of focus on shoulders down the  back, and inner thighs out (people tended to roll their butts under rather than show their junk off).  Then came practice teaching.  We divided into groups of 4 and created a sequence to Ustrasana - Camel.  M got the super group.  S was happy with most in his group.  He had been jonesing to work with Little D since M kept raving about her.  She was right to do so.  Little D rocked the house.  After creating the sequence, we had to split it into four parts and each person then got to teach one of those parts.  S and M taught the peak poses unbeknownst to each other until just now.  It was a pretty good session.  We have to work on staging the postures and timing, but everything else is fitting into place.

Now its a fibre-fest dinner, as we pigged out a little with pizza and chips last night.  Gotta keep regular!

Sutras 30 - 40
Sequence cool downs for Bakasana, Pincha Myurasana, and Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana
Journal entry on how to bring the theme of gratification into a yoga class

Stay Grounded

S and M

PS. S and M were fooling around and S tweaked M's knee - they had both forgotten that she hurt it last weekend.  M cried for a bit.  S drew a bath and helped her soak it.  Hopefully its not sore tomorrow - send positive vibes her way please!

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