Short but sweet!
We had a great day! During our usual walk in the morning we walk near a depot of some sort. A few days ago we saw a few baby seaguls and almost got dived on by mamma seagul. M put her hoodie on and we just started to walk faster.
Today, we inadvertedly got between the baby seagul and the mamma seagul and got dive-bombed big time. We freaked out a bit and walked incredibly fast.
In the morning we studied the Sutras, and the anatomy of a backbend. During our practice we did restorative backbends. They were great. It was a really slow paced hatha class, it's what we all needed. After yesterday's arm balancing bonanza, we were all aching.
S and M went to the dollar store to pick up some envelopes. Then M sat on the lawn with the yogis. D,K, and M all had a cherry spitting contest. M came in second after K, and Little D needed to have more power behind her spit. S stayed inside to study.
After lunch, we saw had a quick overview of different styles of yoga. Hatha yoga with a capital "H" is all forms of physical yoga. Hatha yoga with a lower case "h" is one particular style of yoga. The ones you might be more familiar with is Ashtanga and Iyengar, and most other forms of Hatha yoga stem from one or either of those two- there are some exceptions of course (Bikram!- he stems from Bhishnu Ghosh).
We also saw how to sequence backbends, benefits, risks, contraindications... and practice teach. S and M paired up together. When S teaches, he usually always really "up". M's feedback for him was to tone it down a notch and just be him.... not crazy him. S's feedback to M was to be quicker. She's too slow, and if you want to get hot, you go fast.
We've got a lot of homework waiting for us, as well as studying for our Module II test on Thursday.
Stay grounded,
S and M
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