We went straight into Chakra meditation. We chanted the mantra for each Chakra, and visualized the symbol for each Chakra. Once we got to the Crown Chakra (at the top of our head), we felt an earthquake. Only half of the room felt it, the other half didn't feel it at all. We tried to goole it on the USGS website, but all we found out was that Saskatchewan..... can't remember.
No Earthquake
We got into groups of fours and talked about the Sutra that most resonated with us. Then we got into groups of 6 and made a super sequence from the best poses.
Our practice was really grounding. We did twists, hip openers, and our peak Urdvha Dhanurasana (wheel).
K, S, A, and N |
K and AA in the Sun Room |
In the afternoon we talked about modifications and variations of back bends.
Teaching Elements, such as music, candles, temperature... and OM-wreckers. You know exactly what OM-wreckers are- the yogis that don't listen to those around them and OM in an entirely different key. We love the fact that they're OM-ing and joining in on the fun, and are so careless
And lastly, we got a sequence that we're going to teach tomorrow! M is in group 5 and teaching the opening, Surya A three times, andVira II. S is in group 3 and teaching, a thigh stretch (he's doing Anjaneyasana) and handstand!
We got home and S made pancakes for dinner. Deeeeee-lish!
Stay grounded,
S and M
Y'all are working so hard. I am of to my beginners yoga class where I can barely touch my toes. It is hard to believe that maybe one day if my hips open and hamstrings ever stretch that I will be able to do all the poses correctly!